Vintage Books

Vintage Books

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I've Been Blinded...Blinded by Science

I met a fellow homeschool mother several months ago in that cool cyber location known as Facebook. She had recently begun her home educating journey with her two children. Shelli had joined some of the same local Facebook homeschool related pages I was on and I believe many of us realized quite quickly that she was a BIG Science Nerd. I say that completely lovingly too. As a result of meeting her in cyber world(and later in person), I began reading her burgeoning blog called The Heathen Homeschooler and you should check it out. While Shelli and I have totally different views on young/old Earth and other things like religion and creation, she is a joy to know and I have gleaned a new found interest for all things Science. Shameless plug here for her Facebook page too ;-)

Whilst on this journey of rediscovering Science, I have come across some really amazing and other downright fun websites and Facebook pages. One such find has been the Instant Egghead video series on Youtube. Instant Egghead is done by the magazine Scientific American. The videos are not only educational, but entertaining and short enough that even the most non-precociously blessed child will sit and watch them. Try this one about what happens to our bodies after death and tell me you aren't drawn in.

Another really neat one is Science Dump. Look at the amazing things we humans can do with advances in Science; this woman, with a rare medical condition, got a new skull as a result of science.

And one of my favorites(which I have known about for years)goes along with my earlier blog entry on the Horrible Histories series, is Horrible Science. We have been collecting the books for as many years as we have the HH ones by Terry Deary. Talk about a fun read and a great website. Sadly, because Horrible Science is also a European venture, finding the books and Science Kits here in the US is pretty darn tough. I tend to grab all ours at, yep, you guessed it, used book sales and thrift stores.

Regardless of your belief system, Science has a place in the world for us all. Get outside and take a walk, go bird watching, dig in the dirt, garden, visit your local Science Center, anything, just go do it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Just a Flea Market Share

Little B and I went to a large flea market this past weekend, it was opening weekend. We had major flea market withdrawal from the winter, the crazy winter we had here in the Mid Atlantic. Lots of treasures were there to be had, just not by us. It really burns my britches when people try to sell old junk at flea markets/yard sales for antique store prices. Do they not understand the meaning of the term "flea market"?

Little Bohemia loves bottles. Large bottles, small bottles, oddly shaped bottles, colored bottles, really any kind of unique but older looking bottles. The first vendor we stopped at had great stuff but antique shop prices. I was drawn, however, because I saw boxes full of children's books and asked about pricing on them. "A quarter each", so I began digging. Little B helped too but sadly, you could tell the books had just been thrown in these boxes with no love and care and many were even damp so we were dashed. As I finished searching, you know, just incase I found that one super rare first edition Hobbit or Wizard of Oz, Little B found a basket full of bottles on a table. I stood up and walked over to where she was and she already had an arm full. Because she is 11, the vendor was of course hovering out of fear, I suppose, that my CHILD would break something, I decided to inquire as to the prices for the bottles. "She loves to collect bottles" I stated. Well, that was all it took to melt the woman selling her wears. Funny how people will practically give their $5 items away to children who are wanting and paying for them themselves. And yes, I often use that to my advantage. Call me dirty if you'd like but remember, I am frugal. Little B got an armful of neat bottles she enjoys for $2. SCORE one for Little B! They need a good wash but are really nice bottles of varying shapes and colors. We can't figure out though what the green and red ones used to be. There was also an orange one exactly like them in the basket but it was damaged so she passed on that one. Any ideas?


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Do You Notebook?

Do you have your children notebook? What exactly is notebooking in the world of homeschooling? It really is quite simple.

And very fun...oh so much fun. You get to combine writing with drawing, History with Science, imagination with concrete facts, and that is only the beginning. We have notebooked and have gotten away from it. As I contemplate what we will be doing next year, I do know that we will incorporate notebooking again.

Aren't those some fun examples of what pages can look like? Age doesn't matter. The possibilities are endless.

You can begin your notebooking journey with pages from Notebooking Pages and enjoy some free downloads with no commitment and decide if notebooking is for your children. I do believe though that once you give it a try, you and the kids will be hooked.

For my followers that love to coupon and save, here is a $10 off $20 savings link for individual page packages. Regardless of what person, place, time period, thing, or dream you want to notebook about, you can find pages or create your own to go with it.

Another great example above from the folks over at Elemental Science.

Grab your notebooking pages, some crayons or pencils, and your children then head outdoors for some Science pages. Load everyone in the car and drive to your closest museum with some blank notebooking pages and begin a new notebook there. Regardless of when and where, just do it. Sorry NIKE, I had to borrow your line but give you all credit.

Make sure you take the time to click on the Notebooking Pages Contest box on the right of the blog page to enter a fabulous contest to win loads of pages and curriculum too. FREE winnings are always good!

Monday, April 14, 2014

DC During Cherry Blossom Week is MAD!

I've been away from the blog since late last week because we had family visit from Massachusetts. Yes, I love having family up there in that historically rich state. I also love living in Maryland, another of the original colonies swelling with such vivid history.

A perk to living in Maryland; we are only twenty minutes from our nation's capital. Favorites abound in the big city and the history there is incredible. Architecture is awe inspiring and the feeling one gets once inside the city can truly overwhelm, that feeling of pride. The wonder of things of the past and the curiosity of who walked the same places you walk while visiting.

As today's blog title has you believe, last week was just MAD inside the city. It was the annual Cherry Blossom Festival week. For a quick History lesson, visit The National Park Service website and read all about it. Take some time to do a Unit Study with the kids or just read aloud from the site to them. My best advice to anyone local or those wanting to visit from afar, would be the same advice a Park Police Officer gave me when I pulled into a 'Bus Only' area near the Lincoln Memorial, and that was, "GO HOME!". He was quite polite but his joking tone suggested I must be out of my mind being there. Visiting family wanted to see some sites and my cousin has been accepted into a couple of the city's premier colleges and was looking at them first hand.

If you MUST go into town to see the grandeur of these stunning trees first hand, please try to do so early in the week of the festival in early spring for the closer you get to the finale weekend, the more crowded it gets.

Regardless of your political views, Washington DC is absolutely a MUST see for every family in this nation and most especially those of us that home educate as one could truly make an entire week, maybe even two, of it and have enough historical content and information gathered to cover American History for an entire school year.

Photos courtesy of the world wide web via image search.

*A footnote-as I link to many things in my blogs, please note that even I don't take every bit of information within the links as the final God's honest truth. Please use your own discernment and the links I share as a starting point to a journey of knowledge.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

History Isn't Horrible but These Guys Make it Horribly Good

Years ago, while shopping at one of those used book sales I am always at, I came across a book by an author named Terry Deary and was hooked. The book was one from his series titled Horrible Histories. Genius if I have ever seen it. If you have a child that abhors History then give these books a look see. Mr. Deary's books are so popular in England(where he resides)that BBC has made a television show based on them. It is a skit type show with actors portraying the likes of King Henry VIII, Charles II, all the George's, Alexander the Great, whack job Caligula, and so many others. Yes, the main focus is on European History, but dangit, those Brits really did it again with another amazing show. We watch episode snippets on their Youtube channel, but you can find full length episodes all over Youtube. I suggest watching with your children to help guard against the evils of the right sided video suggestion bar.

You can also visit the Horrible Histories site to see all the fun stuff they have there. Should your wallet allow, you can subscribe to their magazine as well for about $80 a year. The books can be purchased online, although, we prefer the thrill of the hunt for them at used books sales and thrift stores.

Take some time and have a seat in front of the computer or smart TV/XBOX, pull up Youtube and have a few good laughs along with your children and revel in knowing they are learning real History, even the gross, in a fun and engaging way. You will be surprised at how much laughter not only comes from them but you as well.

Our HH and Horrible Science book collection.

The only four magazines we have ever been able to find.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Historic London Town and Gardens

We field trip A LOT. We even visit favorite places multiple times throughout a school year because we enjoy it so much. To say we are privileged to live in the greater Washington DC metropolitan area is an understatement. There is so much History here and nearly everything is a day trip or less.

One such place, Historic London Town and Gardens, in Edgewater, MD, is a favorite of ours. Two Sundays ago, we spent the afternoon there celebrating Maryland Day. We saw some of the best re-enacting ever and learned a great deal of History about Maryland we didn't know and we are life long residents. Go figure! Check out London Town and see for yourself what a wonderful place it is.

Another incredible find while at London Town were the gentlemen of His Majesty's Marines & The Maryland State Marines.

Last but certainly not least were the men and women of Oldton's Company of Baltemore Rangers who taught us things we never knew about the militia of our area in the late 1600's.

Is it Truly Time to Begin a Blog?

Could it be? Maybe I am biting off more than I can chew. What am I thinking? Heck, I have been home schooling the kids for five years now and must be mentally able to do this...right?

Of course I can.

Our journey began like many of you. As mom, it was my role to be the main parent dealing with all things school related given I was a Stay at Home Mother, CEO, Nurse, Chef, Accountant, and the plethora of other titles we all hold. After a parent teacher conference where my son's teacher explained his failings in Math, I decided I had to work my best to convince hubby that it was time to pull both kids. He was pretty amenable to my ideas. Notice that word "my"? I just knew it had to be done honestly whether the hubs agreed or not.

Here we are five years later with a middle schooler and a high schooler. WOW! Where did the time go? They both work fairly independently now leaving me more time to pursue my hobbies which would be books, books, and well, more books. I love thrift store shopping and find loads of great stuff for school at them(or that is what I tell hubby). Purchases are made also with the intent to resell as a means of helping our household given we are a one income family as most home schooling families are. Little B(Little Bohemia)loves to go with me because she is quite fond of showing mom her mad skills at finding that gem to resell. Oh what have I created in her? Big Bro, not so much. Well, actually, not at all.

Anyway, as I begin this blogging journey, know that I will mess up. Maybe sometimes in a major way and actually be called out by a reader and that is OK. Help me navigate this world and I will hopefully return the favour(love the old English spelling of many words us Americans have murdered). I will sell things, I will provide links for you to buy things, share trip pictures, educating failures, successes, proud parent moments, not so proud parent moments, ask for prayers, offer prayers, offend some, garner approval of others, post about frugal living, share recipes, post pictures you probably won't care about, natural health, and all of that is A OK with me as I work to circumnavigate my journey in this world.

Oh, and did I mention books? Lots of stuff about books. If you aren't yet a bibliophile, you will be when I am done with you.