Vintage Books

Vintage Books

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Just a Flea Market Share

Little B and I went to a large flea market this past weekend, it was opening weekend. We had major flea market withdrawal from the winter, the crazy winter we had here in the Mid Atlantic. Lots of treasures were there to be had, just not by us. It really burns my britches when people try to sell old junk at flea markets/yard sales for antique store prices. Do they not understand the meaning of the term "flea market"?

Little Bohemia loves bottles. Large bottles, small bottles, oddly shaped bottles, colored bottles, really any kind of unique but older looking bottles. The first vendor we stopped at had great stuff but antique shop prices. I was drawn, however, because I saw boxes full of children's books and asked about pricing on them. "A quarter each", so I began digging. Little B helped too but sadly, you could tell the books had just been thrown in these boxes with no love and care and many were even damp so we were dashed. As I finished searching, you know, just incase I found that one super rare first edition Hobbit or Wizard of Oz, Little B found a basket full of bottles on a table. I stood up and walked over to where she was and she already had an arm full. Because she is 11, the vendor was of course hovering out of fear, I suppose, that my CHILD would break something, I decided to inquire as to the prices for the bottles. "She loves to collect bottles" I stated. Well, that was all it took to melt the woman selling her wears. Funny how people will practically give their $5 items away to children who are wanting and paying for them themselves. And yes, I often use that to my advantage. Call me dirty if you'd like but remember, I am frugal. Little B got an armful of neat bottles she enjoys for $2. SCORE one for Little B! They need a good wash but are really nice bottles of varying shapes and colors. We can't figure out though what the green and red ones used to be. There was also an orange one exactly like them in the basket but it was damaged so she passed on that one. Any ideas?


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