Vintage Books

Vintage Books

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Is it Truly Time to Begin a Blog?

Could it be? Maybe I am biting off more than I can chew. What am I thinking? Heck, I have been home schooling the kids for five years now and must be mentally able to do this...right?

Of course I can.

Our journey began like many of you. As mom, it was my role to be the main parent dealing with all things school related given I was a Stay at Home Mother, CEO, Nurse, Chef, Accountant, and the plethora of other titles we all hold. After a parent teacher conference where my son's teacher explained his failings in Math, I decided I had to work my best to convince hubby that it was time to pull both kids. He was pretty amenable to my ideas. Notice that word "my"? I just knew it had to be done honestly whether the hubs agreed or not.

Here we are five years later with a middle schooler and a high schooler. WOW! Where did the time go? They both work fairly independently now leaving me more time to pursue my hobbies which would be books, books, and well, more books. I love thrift store shopping and find loads of great stuff for school at them(or that is what I tell hubby). Purchases are made also with the intent to resell as a means of helping our household given we are a one income family as most home schooling families are. Little B(Little Bohemia)loves to go with me because she is quite fond of showing mom her mad skills at finding that gem to resell. Oh what have I created in her? Big Bro, not so much. Well, actually, not at all.

Anyway, as I begin this blogging journey, know that I will mess up. Maybe sometimes in a major way and actually be called out by a reader and that is OK. Help me navigate this world and I will hopefully return the favour(love the old English spelling of many words us Americans have murdered). I will sell things, I will provide links for you to buy things, share trip pictures, educating failures, successes, proud parent moments, not so proud parent moments, ask for prayers, offer prayers, offend some, garner approval of others, post about frugal living, share recipes, post pictures you probably won't care about, natural health, and all of that is A OK with me as I work to circumnavigate my journey in this world.

Oh, and did I mention books? Lots of stuff about books. If you aren't yet a bibliophile, you will be when I am done with you.

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